Our Closest Friends and Family

Of course all of our guests are guests of honor on our special day. We'd like to introduce several extra special people you'll hopefully get to know if you don't already.

The Bridal Party, from the bride

Alice Chen, Matron of Honor
I have known Alice since I can remember, literally. Born Jersey girls, though now we live thousands of miles apart, the distance between the states of New York and California is not too far to stay the closest of friends.  In the first picture from the left.

Lea Ben-Akiva, Bridesmaid
I met Lea while attending Carnegie Mellon University as sisters of Zeta Psi Sigma. We have shared many sleepless nights "studying" and living up metropolitan lives in both Boston and New York City (In the second picture from the left)

Mary Kate Heck, Bridesmaid
Mary Kate and I began our friendship over a midtown lunch, one of many, each of us welcoming the other as a "lunch buddy" in our usual frantic daily work routine. Since then we have shared the ups and downs of life in New York City. (In the third picture from the left) 

Chris Hwang, Bridesmaid & Sister-in-law
Chris met my brother, Zimmy, in college and became a part of the Hwang family in 2007. I am so grateful for the "Zimmster" humor Chris shares and I especially enjoy the various sibling discoveries she has made given her observations over the years. (In the family picture, 2nd from the left)

Chloe Hwang, Flower girl & Ring Bearer
I am so very excited to have my niece as a flower girl-made ring bearer in such a special moment in my life. This little sweetheart knows how to twirl the best twirl nonetheless in a tutu. (In the family picture, right in the middle being held) 

The Bride's Family, from the bride

Allen & Nina Hwang - Parents of the Bride
My parents are the most unassuming people I know. By pure example they have taught me and my brother two very important life values... patience and generosity. I am ever so grateful. (In the family picture, Allen is holding Chloe and Nina is in sunglasses next to him)

Zimmy Hwang - Brother of the Bride and his family - wife Chris and daughter Chloe
Growing up my brother and I would punch each other, fool the other into eating dirt, and tattle any chance we got. Then one day, I realized that Zimmy is one of the best people I have in my life. (In the family picture, in between Chris and Chloe)

The Groomsmen, from the groom

Dan Sommerman, Best Man
Brockport Delta Sigma Phi brother. Racing down the slopes. Beating each other up like brothers. (In the first picture from the left.)

Jon Neveloff, Groomsman
Brockport freshman year.  NYC roommates... for way too long. (In the second picture from the left.)

Jason Ward, Groomsman
Fellow Brockport Delta Sigma Phi alum. Fire Island bachelor beach bums. (In the third picture from the left.)

The Groom's Family, from the groom

Richie Schulz & Louisa Bacchiani - father and stepmother of the groom
My dad bought me a Volkswagen Beetle then a Pontiac Firebird all when I was in high school... those didn't last long. Luisa generously provided me a life opportunity in the Upper West Side and shares my love for reading. I'm told they might close the Italian restaurant they own to join us for the wedding. Fingers crossed... (In the last picture, Richie is standing next to Rich. Luisa is not pictured)

Cecile O'Brien - mother of the groom
I love her gifts of handmade quilted blankets and Christmas pickles. She saved me from choking on a ravioli by jiggling me upside down by my feet and taught me how to ride a bike, leading up to my many 100 mile bike rides. (In the last picture, Cecile is standing next to Rich)

Stacey Stiffler - sister of the groom and her family - husband Rick, three daughters: Emiley, Lily, and Catie Stiffler
Spending family holidays at her house in Connectcut is never a dull moment full of energy and picture taking. Married to a Red Sox fan, but we love him anyway. Stacey and Rick are raising three beautiful young ladies that are all growing up way too fast.